Insights Archive | Arctic Shores

Escaping the Experience Trap: a guide to potential-based hiring

Written by Sample HubSpot User | May 31, 2023 10:57:12 AM

At the recent #IHRLeaders23, our very own Chief Customer Officer Estelle McCartney, took to the stage to showcase how hiring for potential can help organisations to escape the experience trap.

‘The digitisation of work has meant we're in the midst of a skills crisis even at a time when jobs are being shed. As a result, the narrow talent pool is causing spiralling salaries and exacerbating the diversity divide, yet the vast majority of organisations continue to recruit as they've always done - screening candidates based on a lack of digital or other skilled experience, rather than screening in those with the capabilities to be trained’.

Watch the whole session to learn:

  • Why we have no option but to rely less on experience in the hiring process if we really want to access the best talent
  • How to use potential-based hiring to overcome the skills shortage, increase the size of your talent pool and reach more diverse, higher quality candidates
  • How to move from experience-centric hiring to hiring for potential
  • How to identify the right talent in broadening talent pools
  • How Siemens moved from experience-centric hiring to hiring-for-potential, saving 242 hours of recruiter time in the process

Want to know more?
Download our Hiring for Potential Playbook today👇 


At the event, we had lots of great questions about hiring for potential and our team have responded to all of these questions below:















Get in touch with our team to find out how Hiring for Potential can help you to expand talent pools and bring down hiring costs.