The 2:1 grade requirement has hit the news recently as businesses look to revamp their Early Careers’ hiring strategy; viewed as unfit for purpose, some companies are doing away with grade requirements whatsoever.
Most of us understand why this is a trend, but how many of us know exactly what we should be doing instead and how much work this involves?
Companies making the leap are utilising entry-level talent’s most powerful resource: potential. Hiring for potential can identify talent destined for long-term success and a better culture fit for your organisation.
The webinar features our Arctic Shores experts:
- Federica Rusmini - Head of Customer Success
- Alie Carvey - Senior Customer Success Manager
- Maysaam Bouraad - Business Psychologist
They contributed to an engaging session facilitated by HR Grapevine and shared insights on:
- What research has shown about the relationship between grades and job performance
- Success stories from our customers and experts who have already ditched the 2:1 requirement and the impact it’s had on their business
- Best practices for identifying potential in Early Careers talent and the tools to get you there
- Why hiring for potential is a critical tool for recession-proofing and tackling the skills shortage.
During the webinar, the audience was asked to take part in interactive polls, and the result revealed a few themes that we wanted to share.
There was a shared sentiment that many organisations are stuck in an experience trap. This is where organisations screen candidates out based on a lack of CV experience or degree qualifications, this in turn leads employers down the path of paying unsustainable salary costs, along with talent pools that lack diversity and quality. In order to find the right candidates, we have to move away from this hiring trap and start hiring for potential.
By no means are we suggesting that the 2:1 is useless, it just no longer holds the same significance as it once did when it comes to deciding a candidate's ability for a job role. This mindset shift is a huge step in the right direction, and lots of large employers have hit the news recently by declaring that they're scrapping the 2:1 as a requirement.
If organisations want to stand a chance at tackling the skills crisis they need to understand the true potential of their workforce. Academic achievements and previous experience no longer need to be the deciding factor for job performance, put potential first and you will get deeper insights into a candidate's ability and uncover their true potential.
If you want to find out more, download our Playbook for CV-less hiring to explore how you can start seeing more in people.
To find out how to start your journey get in touch with a member of our team today.